As a mom, I LOVE my kids. I LOVE their sense of humor ( just like mine) and all their sass....most days. Lately lemmie tell you...the constant whining and complaining has be me calculating down to the minuet when they go back to school! I am not even a SAHM! I don't know how you ladies do it! Hats off to you!! AAAnd I 100% mean that! Not to mention the Moms that home school. You are my hero's because I don't think that anyone would survive if that's the path we had to take.
I know that I can not be the only one with a short fuse lately..and I hope all you mama's in the same boat as me right now know that your not alone! You're not a bad mom, those kids can just be...…well a down right challenge 🤣
This year we will have a Sophomore ( WTF?!?), a 4th Grader and the diva herself will be in kindergarten! Im so excited that everyone will be in school full time, and more then hopeful that this will make our little princess decide that she likes sleep a little more!
I guess time will tell! Until then, its coffee, wine and running on fumes for me! All you Mama's hang tight! We are almost there!
**Side note, skip the crowds and check out our Back to School Collection for your littles! Sezzle is available at checkout for a guilt free refresh for your kiddos!**